David Holthaus
Jun 25, 2019
The Village of Evendale is developing a district dedicated to aerospace manufacturing and research and village officials just announced its first tenant.
The Modal Shop (TMS) recently broke ground on a 40,000-square-foot-facility in the new AeroHub Innovation District. TMS offers structural vibration and acoustic sensing systems and services for various applications in design and test laboratories as well as manufacturing plants.
The proposed facility will be the first phase of what is planned to be a three-phase, 100,000-square-foot-buildout by TMS at AeroHub.
Tony Boeing, a former TMS co-president who manages special projects for the company, says AeroHub’s central location was an important factor in the decision to build there. It’s less than two miles from the company’s existing facilities — making the transition more efficient and helping to retain staff. Equally important was AeroHub’s mission as an innovation ecosystem, he says.
“AeroHub’s higher-end, high-tech look and feel perfectly reflects who we are,” Boeing says.
The first phase of the TMS facility will feature 15,000 square feet dedicated to manufacturing and warehousing, with the remaining 25,000 square feet housing engineering, sales, and administration. It will allow the company to combine its two existing facilities under one roof at AeroHub while providing capacity for the company to grow. The company plans to move into the new facility next spring.
Future phases are expected to include two 30,000-square-foot facilities.
TMS is the first tenant at the AeroHub District, located west of Interstate 75, straddling Glendale Milford Road and adjacent to the headquarters of GE Aviation, one of the world’s largest jet engine manufacturers.
“This is exactly the kind of company we expect to come to here,” says Evendale Mayor Richard Finan.
The district is on a 53-acre footprint being developed by the Village of Evendale to be a home for highly skilled manufacturers, engineers, designers, researchers, and educators to work on affordable industrial innovation.